The Lady of All Peoples
(English edition, 1978, 224 pages)
From March 25, 1945 to May 31, 1959, the Virgin, under the title of the Lady of All Peoples, appeared to a humble woman of Amsterdam. Her messages in the course of these symbolic visions concerned the destiny of the Church and the world.
It is significant that the Virgin of Amsterdam, who seems to want to prepare us, through a very difficult progression, for Christ's glorious Reign which is the end result of all eschatology, presents herself in the same stance she held at the Rue du Bac in Paris, at the beginning of her great Visitation of this earth. Just as in Paris, she had given the Miraculous Medal, in Amsterdam she gave a Picture and a Prayer which has now been translated into nearly all the languages or dialects and bears the imprimatur of bishops throughout the world.
In his introduction to the second edition to the messages of the Lady of All Peoples [not yet available in English], Raoul Auclair opens our hearts and our minds to an understanding of the messages.