Le Jour de Yahvé [“The Day of Yahweh”]
(French edition, 1975, 288 pages)
In what concerns Le Jour de Yahvé , Father Richard of L’Homme Nouveau wrote: “My overall impression of this great work of Raoul Auclair? First, a feeling of gratitude for the height and breadth of the views, for the boldness, but also for the prudence, with which he imposes upon our attention an immense problem. The conviction is that pure exegetes will never be up to furnishing us the key to Scripture, the key to Prophecy. One must be a bit of a prophet in order to interpret the prophets.”
For this same book, Raoul received from the stigmatic of Châteauneuf-de-Galaure, Marthe Robin, a testimonial which was reported to him by a retreatant to whom Marthe had spoken, and which deeply moved him. In the middle of a conversation which had nothing to do with Raoul, she suddenly said, “Have you read ‘Le Jour de Yahvé’ by Raoul Auclair? That’s a book that must be given wide circulation!”