(First French edition: 1968
second French edition: 1983)
In his Preface, the author indicates the spirit in which his work is to be read, that is, a spirit of total and filial submission to the Church of Christ. The reading of this book invites Christians to foster a real and genuine devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary whose maternal protection is more than ever necessary in these times through which we are living.
The messages of Kerizinen express “the Lord’s reactions at being ridiculed because of His love of humanity”. Raoul Auclair fights against the current criticisms which attempt to rid the devotion to Christ’s Heart of any element of sorrow. Can the sacrifice on the Golgotha be without pain? Through the reading of this objective account of the supernatural events which took place in Brittany, the Christian can only find in this a motive for a stronger, more solidly based belief.